Join us on this quest to impact

There is so much more in life than being busy with your business.
We invite you to go on a quest and explore your potential.  

You can be an Impact Entrepreneur
You can create a business system that works for you with a self-sustainable
ripple impact,
with a win-win-win for all parties involved:
you, your business partners and society. 

You can be an Impact Investor
You can create different income streams while supporting other entrepreneurs to make a difference. You can be a pioneer, an innovator and a mentor. 

Society needs Impact Entrepreneurs and Impact Investors to join forces. 
That’s why we co-created the QuantumPreneur Impact Club. 


Nuria Munoz Arce – Habitarmonia 

Success through mentoring

We are grateful to have QuantumPreneur as a trusted partner, helping us achieve our entrepreneurial goals and contribute to purposeful projects. We have developed a solid business plan for Habitarmonia Academy, effectively communicated our unique story, connected with strategic partners, secured funding, cultivated a talented team, constructed efficient systems, and converted resources into recurring revenue streams. The QuantumPreneur mentoring and collaboration have played a significant role in our success. 


More win-win-win impact, more connection, more flow, more co-creation, more financial sustainability, more fulfillment, more financial opportunities.

Whatever you need more of to grow as an Impact Entrepreneur,
we are here for you. Together we find a way to make it happen.

Choose the mentoring program that fits the development
stage of your business project.

Impact Creator

Start-up your project 

Impact Connector

Scale-up your project 

Impact Communicator

Sustain-up your project 

Hester van Bergeijk​ – Schreuders Bloemen

I was able to move mountains towards total change.

“I got this golden tip to contact Christiaan to support me during the huge change of my business. I needed someone with a thorough knowledge of finance and an all-round knowledge of entrepreneurship. Someone who sees challenges, but also opportunities. Christiaan guided me through many processes to actually implement the change. Without the sounding board, I would not have succeeded. When the days seemed full of obstacles, I could call him and we would talk for half an hour. That was how I was able to move mountains towards total change. I also needed to grow as an entrepreneur. Christiaan helped me tremendously with that. He coached me as an entrepreneur and as a human being. I can highly recommend Christiaan’s expertise in the financial market but also in coaching during such a process!”

Let's make a sustainable impact

In the Co-Creation Circles, we connect with seasoned experts to come up with practical solutions to today’s challenges. We are making progress in the areas of Entrepreneurship & Business, Education & Learning, Finance & Economics, Media & Communication, Real Estate & Landscaping, Society & Community Life.

We still welcome experts to take the lead in upcoming Co-Creation Circles on the topics of renewable energy, agriculture, IT & blockchain, health & vitality…


Impact Education

Impact Media

Impact Real Estate

Impact Society

Impact Business

Kris Tremmery​ –
blockchain entrepreneur

Fantastic initiative!

What a fantastic initiative! For those who don’t know Sandra yet, she is one of the most skilled visionaries in the Benelux! She has made me realize even more than others that THE solution to our current economic condition is constructive cooperation! What she offers here is really never seen before. A platform to bring entrepreneurs and investors together and co-create projects that make impact! I am already curious to see what success stories will come out of this…” 

Co-creating projects

The projects we support:

are purpose and value driven

create a win-win-win for all parties involved

are scalable for more positive impact

are regenerative and sustainable

are designed to continue to exist and grow for a long time.

Some examples

Micro-Society Pilote:

co-creating a natural environment where pioneering families can thrive, live, learn and work in a self-sufficient way 

PanPodia Publishing:

producing and publishing innovative media for and by purposeful change thinkers and change makers

Tejiendo Futuros:

empowering entrepreneurs to create a selfsustainable and ecological community in Guatemala including school and ecofarm

Green Ship Recycling Yard:

designing an environment friendly ‘dismantling and recycling street’ for marine vessels with concern for safe and proper working conditions.

Healthy House concept:

developing a residential property including co-working space, in which nature, health and flexibility are the guiding principles.

QP College:

 organizing a flexible, talent-oriented education system that is integrated in society, for future  entrepreneurs and innovators.

Your project? 

Do you have an idea for a co-creation project? Let’s find out how we can join forces and make impact.

Meet the core team

Christiaan Baan

Founding manager

Celia Trolliet

Project Manager

Marinus Behrens

Digital Manager

Tim De Bleser

Audiovisual Manager

Sandra De Milliano


Members & Partners

Let's connect

How can we help you?


Communicate your story

Communicate your story

I get goosebumps when I hear your story. This is so inspiring. Wonder how you are not on every stage? You have a story. You look good. You know how to present it. How come I don’t know you? I was asked this question recently during an online Connection Call. Yes, why? Certainly, there are plenty of reasons why I should share my story.

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From Quantum Thinking to Quantum Being

From Quantum Thinking to Quantum Being

The principles of classical science are deeply embedded in our daily thinking and doing. When I began to delve into quantum thinking, I quickly realized that I had to forget everything I had ever been taught. For me, this was the beginning of a new way of doing business and making investments. Yes, this was even the start of a new lifestyle.

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Quantum thinking and Austrian Economics

Quantum thinking and Austrian Economics

Last weekend I was at the book presentation of ‘The Austrian School’ by Jesús Huerta De Soto. I was triggered by the phrase ‘Why entrepreneurial activities automatically make a more just society’. I found out that Quantum Thinking has a lot in common with Austrian Economics.

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Choose to grow, from Impact Entrepreneur to Impact Investor

Choose to grow, from Impact Entrepreneur to Impact Investor

At the age of 26, I started working at the Belgian television news. It was my dream to become an investigative journalist and travel the world. Reality at the news desk turned out to be quite different. I soon realized there were 2 options. I could stay and hope that one day management would grant me the opportunity to do what I was passionate about. Or I could quit and start doing it right now.

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Make a business plan for your Impact Project

Make a business plan for your Impact Project

In recent years, many conscious entrepreneurs have stepped up. They had the time and desire to start or grow Impact Projects. Unfortunately, the number of projects that are successful in the long run is quite small. When you make a business plan, the chances of sustainable success increase significantly.

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Impact Entrepreneurship is a quest

Impact Entrepreneurship is a quest

Coming up with solutions to societal challenges and creating value by implementing those solutions. That’s what being an Impact Entrepreneur is all about. It’s an exciting ride, with laughs and tears but rarely boring. More than anything else, impact entrepreneurship is a quest.

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