Win-win-win with Impact lending


- Nelson Mandela -
  • Do you wonder how you can make impact and leave a legacy by lending?
  • Are you looking for a way to safeguard your purchasing power while supporting Impact Projects?
  • Do you want to make your money work for you and generate an amazing recurring income?  

Let us show you how.

Impact lending

Our QP Impact Lending formules are an amazing example of what is possible when you connect and co-create with likeminded high level partners. This way we can offer an exclusive solution creating a win-win-win impact. Win for the Impact Lenders, win for the project and its stakeholders and win for society.  


As a lender, you get a great return while minimizing your risk and maximizing your social impact. We are highly selective in choosing projects and we partner with AAA-rated institutional parties. This way, both your capital and your return are optimized while risk is minimized. On top of that you become a member of the QP Impact Club. This keeps you up to date on supported projects, gives you priority for new (business) opportunities and you are invited to join inspiring events with like-minded Impact Makers. 


A successful Impact Project needs a sustainable strategy, a network and funding. With this and much more, we support the selected projects throughout the entire process. This ensures value is created for all stakeholders. 


Ultimately, your impact lending, through the social business projects, creates a ripple impact and makes a difference to your community, your region, your country or even the world. 

Which formula fits you?

We are always looking for a win-win-win. That’s why we like to consider your personal needs as a lender. Maybe you want to create a recurring income and receive a periodic payment. Maybe you want to set your money aside for a few years and let the amount accumulate for a certain period. Everything is customizable from a principal of €100,000. As an option you can choose to link the value of the loan to commodities such as gold, silver and lithium or ESG equity. Thus you can  safeguard your purchasing power. 


Impact Lending
for specific project

Impact Lending

Impact Lending
with Commodities

+ €125.000 + €125.000  + €125.000 
10% per year 10% per year
fixed 5% per year + up to 90% value increase linked to gold-silver-lithium and/or ESG equity
Lending period   + 3 years + 3 years  + 3 years
Payments  return
periodic fixed return periodic fixed return periodic fixed return + commodities linked return end of contract
Principal repayment
end of contract
end of contract
end of contract
Impact Project funding
your project (if approved)
our social and regenerative projects
our social and regenerative projects
QP Impact Lenders Club  Gold membership Gold membership Gold membership
Fees none none none



Impact Lending
for specific project

Impact Lending

Impact Lending
with Commodities

+ €125.000 + €125.000  + €125.000 
10% per year 10% per year
fixed 5% per year + up to 90% value increase linked to gold-silver-lithium and/or ESG equity
Lending period   + 3 years + 3 years  + 3 years
Payments  return
periodic fixed return periodic fixed return periodic fixed return + commodities linked return end of contract
Principal repayment
end of contract
end of contract
end of contract
Impact Project funding
your project (if approved)
our social and regenerative projects
our social and regenerative projects
QP Impact Lenders Club  Gold membership Gold membership Gold membership
Fees none none none


Frequently asked questions

What's the intake process?
If you choose to lend we initiate a KYC check. After a positive advice you will receive the lending proposal containing all information, agreements and the table showing the periodic interest and capital repayments. 

If you agree, you sign and send the Impact Lending proposal back by mail. You transfer the funds to the Paymaster as agreed. As soon as the funds are received, returns are being calculated.

Subsequently you receive the agreed amounts on the agreed accounts at the agreed times.

What if I want to lend less than €125.000?

If you want to lend less than €125.000, we invite you to join a connection call or contact us to explore the possibilities. The Impact lending formula can be customized with different amounts, maturities or repayments. Different combinations obviously give different returns. These are easily calculated and provided upon request.

What happens if the project can not pay off the loan?
We work with a well-capitalized international trust that ensures that capital and proceeds are transferred in accordance with the contract. Thus, payments to the Lender are decoupled from the financial result of the supported projects. Of course, we do want our social projects to at least break even financially. Therefore, all projects undergo a rigorous selection process before being considered. Approved projects are closely monitored and supervised throughout the entire period. The success rate of these projects is therefore very high. We believe that in this way we have eliminated almost all possible risks and negative consequences. Despite our efforts, it is possible that events beyond our control may affect what has been described or agreed upon. Therefore, we can never legally guarantee 100% certainty.
What if I prefer not to receive periodic interest payments?

You can choose not to have periodic interest payments and to accumulate instead. The Impact lending formula can be customized with different amounts, maturities or repayments. Different combinations obviously give different returns. These are easily calculated and provided upon request. For all customizations, schedule a private call to run through the options.

Can I propose a project?
Of course, we are happy to hear about your Impact Project. When it comes to funding, we can help you with strategies for creating a recurring operating budget and/or for receiving a single down payment for a substantial purchase or investment. You are most welcome to join a connection call or contact us  to explore the possibilities.
What about taxes and taxation?
We work with local lawyers and notaries to ensure compliance with local tax laws. As an example legislation is different in Belgium and the Netherlands. Therefor Belgian Impact Lenders contract with our Belgian subsidiary QP Impact BE and Dutch Impact Lenders with our Dutch subsidiary QP Impact NL.

Belgium: We are required by law to calculate taxes at the appropriate rate and withheld this from the interest due. The Impact Lender so receives the interest after taxes. We make sure that this tax is paid directly to the tax office in Belgium.

The Netherlands: There is no withholding tax in the Netherlands. The agreed interest is paid in full to the lender. The loan must be declared by the private Impact Lender himself in his income tax return. QP Impact NL does not actively send data to the tax authorities.

Let's make a sustainable impact

Jean Van Der Biest – mentor

Long-term vision

Sandra has a strong long-term vision and has recently been working very hard on visionary projects that will soon attract strong international attention due to their high social impact.

Truly something to look forward to.

Explore your Impact Lending solution

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1/ Answer 2 to 3 multiple choice questions
2/ The QP Compass shows you what is the best solution for you
3/ Get access to the pdf with more information on this Impact Lending solution